Why it doesn’t matter what we create (+ worksheet)
There are some of us who know exactly what we want to create (a course, book, workshop, etc.)…
And there are those of us who don’t.
We just know we want to share our wisdom, knowledge, and expertise. This one’s for us.
This inspiring story about one of my clients will help us remember the true meaning of connecting with what matters to us most and allowing that to determine what we do and how we do it.
Let’s get into it...
When we don’t know how to share our wisdom
About six months ago, Carrie came to me with a predicament she was hoping I could help her with.
She was excited!
And frustrated at the same time.
After almost 30 years of being a leader in healthcare, she wants to take her wisdom, learnings, expertise, and personal experiences and catalog them in some tangible way to make them more accessible to her team and others outside her immediate team at work.
Carrie’s experienced some incredible results and feedback, and she’s been feeling a sense of urgency to share.
There are so many other healthcare leaders who are struggling…
And she thinks they’d benefit from everything she’s learned and practiced.
She also sees this knowledge as her way of helping to shape a better future for the next generation of healthcare leaders, so their work is more fulfilling than it is today.
She’s not sure if she should create a book, course, collection of resources, or something else.
This uncertainty has been holding her back.
So we teamed together to apply the same creative process of creating a course (clarifying her vision, researching with a community, testing things out, and refining over time). We’re calling it her “creative offer”.
It’s time to focus in on our “why”
And you could be thinking…
Why am I sharing this story?
Well, you may relate to Carrie’s situation.
Maybe you have an idea (or have had one brewing for some time) and you’re not sure what it’s going to turn out to be.
And it’s important to me that I share this with you:
Although it may feel counter-intuitive and a bit intangible, what’s less important is “what” we create or “how” we create it (if that’s a course, workshop, book, card deck, collection of digital resources, etc.)
And what’s more important to pay attention to is the “why” (our dreams, desires, visions, what motivates us, what fuels our feeling of purpose, and what inspires us).
Everything else falls into place and clarity comes, almost too easily, once we’ve honed our “why”.
How to stoke our “why”
(a free worksheet)
So, how can we start to stoke our “why” so we can get clarity on the “what” and the “how”?
There are many ways to go about this and I’ve created a digital worksheet for you to explore one route to getting there.
It’s called Get Clarity on Your Creative Offer and it’s yours to explore whenever feels like the right time!
My intention for this worksheet is to help us remember that our “why” is the most important thing for us to put our energy into.
Everything else is secondary.
May it support you in the best way!
Who wrote this blog post?
I'm Dori Iris, Founder of DIZI strategies, encouraging and supporting big-picture thinkers to bring their vision to life and contribute to a better world.
I welcome any of your thoughts or questions! Feel free to add them in the comments section below.