Why we can trust the void
We can learn to trust that what we need comes at the right time without forcing our own agenda or timeline.
I’ll share a personal story that’s become a reminder of how leaning into the void has unexpectedly allowed for creativity to flow, especially when I’ve felt stuck.
What happens when we don’t do anything
Several months ago, I got what I call a “massive intuitive download.”
It was around 3:00 in the morning, I was in bed, and it was dark. My eyes popped open and I wasn’t the slightest bit groggy like I would normally be at that time. Instead, I was given a clear message with a set of steps I could vividly see in my mind.
And the reason I say I was given an intuitive download is because it felt like it wasn’t coming from me. It felt really expansive, full of possibility, and had a lot of drive and conviction behind it. Like a whole new way of thinking that was perfectly crafted for me.
It came to me at a time when I’d felt stuck for a while on what my next steps with my work would be and my overall purpose moving forward.
That early morning message was a reminder that I didn’t need to force or do anything in order to figure out what my next step would be. I could trust that it would come to me at the right time.
And it did.
Finding unexpected gifts in the void
I wasn’t always this trusting in the natural flow of things. For years, as a recovering perfectionist, I’ve tried to avoid feeling the discomfort of pausing (or even just slowing down) and not constantly distracting myself by being productive.
But, more recently I've been able to create a bit more space in my life and a chance to receive these messages of clarity that I wouldn’t get otherwise. I’m a bit better at not getting sucked into my tendency of needing an answer right away or controlling every situation with logic.
The more I’ve started to trust that things won’t fall apart if I let go of the grip I have on them, the more I’ve been shown how much beauty and joy comes when I get out of my own way and just let things happen.
I’ve now received three of these “downloads” which means that the more I’ve practiced leaning into the void, the more I’ve received these gifts.
And why am I sharing this?
Well, I’ve come to believe that we can learn to trust that what we need comes at the right time without forcing our own agenda or timeline.
When we find ways to wait, lay low, and hold off on forcing a decision, clarity comes, direction comes, and discernment comes. And they can come in many ways (through visions, dreams, intuition, signs, etc.).
Someone really wise once said that when there isn’t a clear “yes” or “no” the best thing we can do is nothing.
It’s not a comfortable place by any means. The void can feel restless and even painful at times (especially if we haven’t tried it before). But the more we can let it settle, the more we create space to receive the messages we need.
If we’re sick of the voice we usually hear — make it happen, push through, make a plan — and want to hear something different, we can learn how to build that trust in ourselves.
And here’s how we start.
How we can practice trusting the void
Let’s think of one thing we’ve been wanting and notice if we’re pushing for a solution or trying to control the outcome in some way.
Maybe it’s a big creative project (like a business, book, or course idea) or an important relationship (like our partner, parent, or friend) that we want to be a certain way it currently isn’t.
Then explore some possibilities:
What could happen if I let go of the need for this to be any different than it is right now?
What if I could trust that everything will be okay if I do absolutely nothing about it today, this week, or this month?
Is it possible that it could turn out even better than I’m imagining even without intervening or making it happen?
What’s one small thing I could do (or stop doing) to give up some control over this desire?
How can I let go even a tiny bit?
This is the start to building that trust. Trusting in space, in slowness, in the void.
It might not be as hard as we first thought.
And if you’re looking for someone to share your thoughts with, I welcome them with open arms!
Who wrote this blog post?
I'm Dori Iris, Founder of DIZI strategies, encouraging and supporting big-picture thinkers to bring their vision to life and contribute to a better world.
I welcome any of your thoughts or questions! Feel free to add them in the comments section below.