What new adventures await if we set logic aside?
Let’s feel inspired to listen to the illogical part(s) of ourselves…
What if we imagine that what our heart is telling us is SO important?
Would we give it a bit more attention?
And maybe this is the season to start making space for it.
This is a personal story about what happens when we have the courage to embark on a new journey, even when there’s not much logical sense to it.
Okay, here it goes.
This is definitely going to be a season of new adventures over here. I’m embarking on something that’s connected with me on a very emotional heart level and isn’t very logical at all…
It all started one morning in mid March two years ago, right at the beginning of spring. I saw these words in my email inbox:
Congratulations! We are delighted to inform you that you have been accepted into The Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program!
Tears began to stream down my face.
But why was I having such an unexpectedly strong reaction?
A bit of context…
Recognizing the tension
Meditation has been a practice that’s supported me for over 10 years now and it’s been incredibly meaningful, helping me through some of my darkest times and just the ups and downs of daily life. It’s changed me from someone struggling on the regular with anxiety and depression to someone who feels very capable and supported, even amidst life’s challenges.
So when I saw the opportunity to join this program being offered by teachers I've learned so much from for years, my whole body was just like, “YES! Go for it.”
And, of course, right after that, my logical mind said, “This does not fit any of your long-term professional plans. This doesn't fit the work you're doing or have been doing for years.”
But the part of me that was so pulled to it — my whole body, my heart, my emotions, my soul even — felt like logic just didn’t matter and knew that it would make sense one day. Even if it didn’t right now.
Long story short, I joined the two-year program to learn how to teach meditation and mindfulness. I’m now just starting the second year with my first opportunity ever to teach and guide meditations.
So, back to my strong reaction to the email. I realized I was crying because it felt like my heart was being fulfilled in a whole new way.
Can you relate?
Maybe there's something you've also been interested in for a while…
… a personal passion project
… a business idea
… a book you’ve wanted to write
… a direction you’ve wanted to explore personally or professionally
… something you’ve wanted to share or teach from your lived experience
And for some reason, you just haven’t gone after it.
Did that logical mind get in the way?
Well, that’s definitely been my experience. And this was one of those very few times in my life that I decided to let that rational mind step aside and follow what my heart was craving.
Allowing our desires space to grow
Has this decision come with a whole host of doubts and insecurities? Totally.
Imposter syndrome definitely comes for a visit sometimes. I still have no idea where this is going to take me and I'm definitely going against the safe and secure route.
But I'm learning to trust what my heart, soul, and full body are telling me, knowing that I will be led to spend my time and efforts on what feels purposeful and meaningful. And over time, as I build the trust, I can create a new definition of what safety and security mean for me.
Because I didn’t let my logical mind hold me back from joining the program, I now have an opportunity to share something that’s impacted my life on such a deep and personal level. I’ll be able to help people who are struggling, wanting to find a new way to manage pain (physical, emotional, spiritual), or curious about slowing down to a more joyful, meaningful, and connected life.
How about you?
Is that desire you thought of earlier coming to mind? (The one you’ve been interested in for a while, the thing your heart has been calling you to - maybe just a whisper - but for some reason you just haven’t gone after it.)
Maybe even just thinking about it, your heart and body are saying, “YEAH! Go for it.”
And then, if you're anything like me, your logical mind jumps in with the reasons why not...
… “Yeah it's not that important”
… “It's not a high priority.”
… “It doesn't really fit with everything else I’m doing.”
… “I don’t really have the time for that. Maybe later. Maybe next year.”
But, what if we imagine that what our hearts are telling us is SO important?
Would we give our desire a bit more attention?
In this moment, even if it’s just right now while reading this, let’s feel inspired to listen to the illogical part(s) of ourselves. Maybe this is the season to start making space for it.
What new adventures await if we set logic aside?
Let’s see what happens when we give our heart’s desire some room to grow.
Who wrote this blog post?
I'm Dori Iris, Founder of DIZI strategies, encouraging and supporting big-picture thinkers to bring their vision to life and contribute to a better world.
I welcome any of your thoughts or questions! Feel free to add them in the comments section below.